Sangmin Lee was awarded encouragement award at KCC’17 undergraduate paper competition
[17-961]수상확인서_학부생 논문경진대회_20170721
[17-961]수상확인서_학부생 논문경진대회_20170721
We will be awarded $120,000 from 2017 to 2020. We are actively looking for graduate students who can work on
Advance Reservation Access Control Using Software-Defined Networking and Tokens Bridging the Gap between Peak and Average Loads on Science Networks
2017년 4월 5일에 진행된 ‘2017년 첨단망 지원대상 기관 선정’ 및 첨단망 연구지원 대상 선정평가 결과에 따라 1차/2차 대상기관으로 선정되었음.
$3000 AWS credit will be awarded for the research on IoT connected to clouds.
The paper titled “Towards Enabling Real-time Scientific Jobs Scheduling: Simulation-based Scheduling Scheme Analysis on IBM BG/Q Systems” was accpeted to
Title: Towards Bridging the Gap between Peak and Average Loads on Science Networks
2016. 11. 19. Sangmin Lee published the theme “What is a debugger?”